The Department of History and Heritage Management was established in 2010 with four staff. A year after its establishment, the department opened 2 MA programs and the number of staff increased significantly. The Department is dedicated to contributing to the sustainable socio-cultural and economic development of the nation through the provision of societal needs-tailored education, undertaking problem-based research on history, archaeology, culture, and heritage issues, as well as rendering relevant community services/engagements. The department is also active in implementing technology transfer projects in the community. National and international conferences were also prepared and conducted by the department of History and Heritage Management. “Magadala 150th” is one of the international conferences held by the department, and it provided a chance to meet giant researchers in the field. In 2017, another MA program was opened, and consequently, a PhD program in history was opened in 2019. Currently, the total number of staff within the department is 23, with 14 active and 9 on study leave. Regarding to the staff development, the department has an increasing number of staff profiles such as associate professors, PhD holders and candidates, assistant professors, and lecturers with diversified areas of specialization (history, archaeology, heritage studies, and philology). Currently, the department runs 1 BA, 3 MA, and 1 PhD programs.