Dr. Agegnehu Tesfa
- agetesfa@gmail.com
As it has been mentioned earlier our college is one of the largest colleges in the university in different aspects. So we will have many duties & responsibilities to manage all the programs of the college. These include working to improve qualities of undergraduate & post graduate education,, expand post graduate programs, conduct scientific & applied researches, facilitate Community Engagements & technology transfer projects to bring societal & environmental changes .To realize these changes and improvements in the areas of quality education , research , Technology Transfer & Community Engagements, we have to strengthen and build the academic & Admin staffs capacity of the college by providing short & long term trainings in line with our university & college strategic plans. To implement all these activities appropriately the staff active involvement (both academic & admin) is very important. Hence, we will do give especial attention to strengthen these staff involvement in each activity.